The first page of the policy brief

Freedom of speech on social media

This policy brief contains the Institute's recommendations on regulating social media as part of the work by the Commission of Freedom of Expression

The Comission of Freedom of Expression, in which the Institute of Human Rights has been a member, has completed its work.

In its report, the Commission points out the need to take action against illegal content on the Internet while protecting freedom of expression.

The Institute of Human Rights highlights three recommendations that safeguard the democratic conversation and freedom of expression on social media:

  • Police and prosecutors are trying cases against social media before the courts so it can be clear where the limits of social media liability for illegal content on their platforms go through a specific complaint.
  • Police and the prosecution ensure effective investigation and prosecution of illegal content on social media.
  • The government - possibly under EU auspices - demands that when social media remove content on their platforms, it is based on clear and transparent criteria and human rights standards.

The policy brief is only avaliable in Danish. Read more here.

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