SDGs follow up and review

The 2030 Agenda specifies that the purpose of its Follow-up and Review mechanisms is to ensure accountability.

The Follow-up and Review mechanisms should respect human rights and be inclusive, participatory, transparent, gender-sensitive, and have a particular focus on those furthest behind.

These principles reflect fundamental human rights standards and principles that should guide both the design and the operationalisation of the Follow-up and Review mechanisms.

Moreover, since the SDGs are anchored in human rights, States and other actors can use the analysis, data and recommendations that are already being produced by institutionalised human rights mechanisms, for their SDG monitoring.

Human rights monitoring and reporting mechanisms can provide:

  • Systematised qualitative analysis and data on specific countries, topics and vulnerable groups.
  • Identification of specific and systemic implementation challenges, as well as recommendations and guidance to overcome these.
  • Expertise on developing national monitoring systems that are aligned with global standards, and best practice on peer review mechanisms, expert and thematic reviews.
  • Best practice on systematic engagement of stakeholders in monitoring, reporting and follow-up, guided by principles of accountability, participation, transparency and access to information.