Whistleblower scheme

If you become aware of unlawful or unacceptable conditions at the Danish Institute for Human Rights, we urge you to make use of the Institute's whistleblower scheme.

If you know about, or have a suspicion of, anything unlawful or any serious irregularities at the Danish Institute for Human Rights, you can pass the information on to the Institute's whistleblower scheme.

Current and former employees at the Danish Institute for Human Rights, as well as our business partners, can make use of the whistleblower scheme.

Your report should be in writing via this link: Report (whistleportal.eu)

The Institute will take a serious view of all reports, because we have zero tolerance towards corruption and harassment of any type. A report on breaches of such policies will always lead to an investigation.

Who should I report to?

Reports will initially be processed via the Institute's secure external reporting solution, which will make an initial assessment before the report is sent to the Institute's internal whistleblower unit, comprising the chairperson of the board and the head of Human Resources. The initial assessment ensures that conditions regarding the impartiality of the whistleblower unit have been examined before the report is forwarded. If the report is made through the report link and then forwarded to the whistleblower unit, then only the whistleblower unit will see your report. The unit has a duty of confidentiality with regard to the information in your report.

The whistleblower unit will treat your report seriously and sincerely. They will ensure that any appropriate investigations are carried out, and ensure that the information is used constructively to improve, prevent and avoid errors and illegalities in the Institute's management and activities. However, the whistleblower unit can also reject your report if it is deemed that there is some better way to deal with it, for example if your report is about work-related conflicts between two individuals.

You can submit a report anonymously

You can submit your report anonymously if you feel more comfortable if nobody knows who you are. Reporting via Report whistleportal.eu will secure full anonymity if you do not disclose your name or other traceable information in the text fields, for example your address, email or phone number.

You can also use the external whistleblower scheme at the Danish Data Protection Agency

You can also make a report via the Danish Data Protection Agency’s external whistleblower scheme instead of to the Institute's scheme. However, we recommend that reports relating to the Danish Institute for Human Rights are submitted through our own scheme.


When you submit a report, an external screening of your report will be completed. If it is assessed that your report concerns matters relating to the chairperson of the board and/or the head of Human Resources, a procedure will be initiated to ensure that they are not involved in processing your report.

Statistics regarding the whistleblower scheme at the Danish Institute for Human Rights

The Danish Institute for Human Rights publishes annual information about its activities in accordance with the Danish Whistleblower Act. The information can be found in the table below:

Statistics for 2023

Reports receivedReports that have given rise to further investigationRejected reportsReports that have given rise to a police report

The report received was not submitted by a person associated with the Institute. The report was not about matters related to the Institute.