Mother and father walking with stroller

Discrimination against parents

– experiences of discrimination in connection with pregnancy and parental leave

In Denmark, women take much more parental leave than men do. The survey presented in this report shows that this pattern is strongly related to financial circumstances. It also shows that more than 20 per cent of the men questioned had taken less parental leave than they had wished to. Primarily because of financial factors, but also because of their partner’s wish to take the remainder of the shared parental leave. Danish legislation protects parents against discrimination on the labour market in connection with pregnancy and parental leave. Despite this, discrimination still occurs.

This report shows how and to what extent parents and expecting parents experience discrimination on the labour market when they decide to have children and take parental leave.

The analyses in the report are based on a survey of the experiences of 1,589 people, on interviews with 18 parents or expecting parents, and on interviews with six employer representatives from large organisations.

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