Research project

Freedom of religion or belief at Danish asylum centers

Religious-related issues and challenges at Danish asylum centers.

There are no binding rules specifically governing the right of asylum seekers to freedom of religion or belief. The extent of Denmark's obligations in this area is therefore uncertain. In practice, asylum seekers' freedom of religion or belief is challenged by several circumstances.

However, there is little knowledge about the barriers that asylum seekers can face in relation to the exercise of their freedom of religion or belief or the discrimination they may face due to their religious beliefs or other convictions.

On this basis, the Institute has investigated religious challenges at Danish asylum centres with the aim of providing a human rights-based assessment of asylum seekers’ freedom of religion or belief.

The results were presented in a rapport published in April 2019. The analyses of the investigation will form the basis of an article, which will contribute to the development of international and national research in this area.


Starts: 2018
Ends: 2019


Senior Researcher, Research
Senior Researcher, Research