
Human rights & security
Human rights and security is a stabiliser and a driver of transparency and good governance. We support national law enforcement actors to fulfill their key role as protectors of human rights, justice and security of the population.

Law enforcement plays a vital role in the protection of citizens and their rights, currently facing challenges such as increase in violent extremism and privatisation of security through increased use of private security firms. Unfortunately, law enforcement actors are among the main violators of human rights in many countries, often leading to a problematic cycle of mistrust, violence and destabilisation.

For more than a decade, we have been working with police forces and other law enforcement actors both in the Sahel-region, Serbia and Nepal. 

We provide support to our local partners so that they can strengthen the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviour on human rights among staff and officers. This includes development of training materials and programmes, inclusion of human rights in curriculas and development of internal monitoring mechanisms to track and prevent human rights violations

Through regional networks we support neighbouring states to share experiences and results of human rights-based approaches to common problems like violent extremism, human trafficking and corruption. Through this process regional guidelines, resolutions etc. are applied to states and thereby setting the agenda for new norms and standards for law enforcement.
