
Human Rights Indicators

Country data and methodology 2000

The Human Rights Indicators. Country and Regional Data Base has been developed primarily as a data base for use at the Danish Centre for Human Rights. The data base intends to contribute to strategy development and country assessment in the project work at DCHR. The data and countries selected for this data base have therefore been chosen not with a view to global assessments of human rights, but rather to feasibility assessments within regions and countries where the Centre has projects or where project work is considered.

The purpose of this publication is to provide project managers, partners as well as external stakeholders in Denmark and in the countries where we work, with tools of assessments which allow international comparison in terms of processes of democratisation, compliance with fundamental human rights, and a broader range of related subjects such a development problems, crime levels, and intra-regional movements of people.

The document contains three parts: one illustrating human rights commitment, mostly at the regional level, a second indicating government compliance with civil and political rights, and a third providing data and observations from the regional data base. The latter also contains detailed information on human rights commitment of states.

The theoretical and methodological basis for the present development of indicators is available as part II of this volume.

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