
Implementation of global human rights and business standards in Chile

The Danish Institute for Human Rights supported local partners to produce a national level policy on human rights and business in Chile.


Since 2015, the Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR) has supported the Government of Chile in its efforts to develop and implement a National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights (NAP). As a first step in this process, DIHR provided support to the Diego Portales University to produce a National Baseline Assessment (NBA) of the current level of implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in Chile.

The NBA aimed to inform the development of the NAP document. Likewise, the DIHR supported Chile’s National Human Rights Institution in producing a Human Rights and Business Country Guide to Chile to identify, assess and address the main human rights impacts of business in the country.

The difference we make

The DIHR contributed to facilitating a country–wide assessment and dialogue on the main human rights and business challenges and opportunities through the production of the Country Guide and the NBA.

In July 2016, the DIHR, in collaboration with the Spanish organization Sustentia, facilitated dialogues with business, trade unions, civil society and indigenous peoples in Temuco, Santiago, and Antofagasta/San Pedro de Atacama.

The objective of these dialogues was to identify impacts and recommendations for consideration in the process of drafting the NAP.

The NAP was published in August 2017. Find it here and read more about Chile (takes you to the website, - opens in a new tab)

