Eva Ersbøll

Emerita, Research
Cand.jur., Ph.D.
+45 91 32 56 40



Ersbøll, E, 'The Danish Turn Towards Dual Citizenship' in Bauböck, R. and Haller, M., Dual Citizenship and Naturalisation, Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2021, 157-182 (Peer-reviewed).
Ersbøll, E., 'Alien in one's own country?', https://globalcit.eu/category/blog/, 2021.
Ersbøll, E., 'Statelessness in Denmark: UNHCR mapping sheds light on national law and practice, https://www.statelessness.eu/updates/blog/statelessness-denmark-unhcr-mapping-sheds-light-national-law-and-practice ', , 2021.
Garly, L, Ersbøll, E, Keller, K, Munkholm; M.C,, Krusaa, N. M., Maskell, A. , Fremmed i eget Land? Adgang til dansk statsborgerskab for børn og unge, der er født og/eller opvokset i Danmark, , , 2021 (Non-peer-reviewed).


Ersbøll, Eva, 'Dansk Statsborgerskab, kapitel 4' in Ersbøll, E, Homann, G, Khawaja, E , Larsen; N.H., Nørgaard, U, Spang, B, Vedsted-Hansen, J., Udlændingeret, 4. udgave, bind 2 , Copenhagen: DJØF's Forlag, 2020, s. 275-442 (Non-peer-reviewed).
Ersbøll, E., 'Birthright citizenship and children born in a conflict zone', Blog, 5 February 2020 homepage http://globalcit.eu/birthright-citizenship-and-children-born-in-a-conflict-zone/ and European Network on Statelessness, 2 2020.
Ersbøll, E., 'Vi svigter statsløse børn, der er født i Danmark ', Altinget, 2020.
Ersbøll, E. and UNHCR, Mapping Statelessness in Denmark, UNHCR, 2020 (Non-peer-reviewed).


Eva Ersbøll, 'Let Third-Country Nationals Become Citizens of their Host Member State and the European Union', The Global Citizenship Governance project, January 24th 2019, 2019 (Peer-reviewed).


Eva Ersbøll, 'Retain Ius Sanguinis, but Don't Take it Litterally! https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-92719-0_27' in Rainer Bauböck, Debating Transformations of National Citizenship, Florence, Italy: Springer Open, 2018, 137-142 (Peer-reviewed).


Ersbøll, E., 'Rights across Borders: Citizenship and Immigration in Europe - National Membership, Acquisition and Loss of Nationality', European Review of Public Law, Volume 29, 1/2017, 2017, 71-120 (Non-peer-reviewed).
Ersbøll, E., Andersen, L.G., 'Uregistrerede migranters ret til sundhed i Danmark med særlig fokus på gravide og børn', Social Kritik, nr. 150 - juni, 2017, 61-72 (Non-peer-reviewed).
Ersbøll, E., 'Stateless persons’ entitlement to citizenship and Denmark’s call for dilution of state obligations in this regard', http://www.statelessness.eu/ , http://www.statelessness.eu/blog/stateless-persons-entitlement-citizenship-and-denmark-s-call-dilution-state-obligations , 3 2017.


Ersbøll, E., EU's Charter - I et menneskeretligt krydsfelt, Copenhagen: Jurist- og Økonomforbundets Forlag, 2016 (Peer-reviewed).
Ersbøll, E., 'Konventioner kan opsiges, men kan konventionsforpligtelser?' in Jacobsen, A.F. og Jensen, S.L.B., Kampen om Menneskerettighederne, Co: Gads Forlag, 2016, pp. 110-128 (Non-peer-reviewed).
Ersbøll, E., 'Loss of nationality in the Nordic countries' in S. C. Nunez and G-R de Groot, European Citizenship at the Crossroads, The Role of the European Union on Loss and Acquisition of Nationality, The Netherlands: Wolf Legal Publishers (WPL), 2016, Pp. 185 - 215 (Peer-reviewed).
Ersbøll, E., 'Biao mod Danmark: Diskrimination mellem danske statsborgere', EU-ret & Menneskeret, 2 August 2016, 2016, 18-29 (Non-peer-reviewed).
Ersbøll, E., 'Biao v. Denmark: Discrimination among nationals', Citizenship blog on eudo-citizenship.eu, , 2016, 4 (Non-peer-reviewed).
Ersbøll, E., 'Kan man løbe fra en bindende forpligtelse?', Information, 12. april , 2016 (Non-peer-reviewed).


Ersbøll, E., 'New Challenges to Democracy, Denmark', European Review of Public Law, Vol 27_1/2015, 2015, pp. 305-320 (Non-peer-reviewed).
Ersbøll, E., 'Nu tillader vi endelig dobbelt statsborgerskab', Politiken, kronik, 1. september 2015.
Ersbøll, E., Report on Citizenship Law: Denmark, European University Institute, Florence, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, EUDO Citizenship Observatory, 2015 (Peer-reviewed).
Ersbøll, E., Retain ius sanguinis, but don't take it literally! , Robert SchumanCentre for Advanced Studies, EUDO Citizenship Observatory, 2015 (Peer-reviewed).


Ersbøll, E., 'A European Citizenship providing for a sense of European belonging' in Lees, P., Couderc-Morandeau, S., Martínez-Vasseur, P., Nail, S. and Thiec, A. (eds.), Migrations et mobilités en Europe, Pieterlen: Peter Lang-International Academic Publishers, 2014, pp.33-45 (Peer-reviewed).
Ersbøll, E., 'Nationality and identity issues – a Danish Perspective', German Law Journal, 15(5), 2014, pp.835-866 (Peer-reviewed).
Ersbøll, E., Biao v. Denmark – Discrimination among citizen?, RSCAS 2014/79, European University Institute, 2014 (Non-peer-reviewed).


Ersbøll, E., 'Offentlighedslovens skjulte faldgruber', Berlingske Tidende, 23. April 2013.
Ersbøll, E., Access to electoral rights: Denmark, European University Institute, Florence, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, EUDO Citizenship Observatory, 2013 (Peer-reviewed).
Ersbøll, E., Naturalisation procedures for immigrants: Denmark, European University Institute, Florence, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, EUDO Citizenship Observatory, 2013 (Peer-reviewed).


Ersbøll, E., 'Citizenship Acquisition: Increasing Trend of Testing Integration' in Pascou, Y., Strik, T., Interaction between the EU and its Member States, : Wolf Legal Publishers, 2012 (Non-peer-reviewed).

Key competencies

Nationality law, EU citizenship, statelessness, migration and integration, the use of force in social institutions


Eva Ersbøll’s research focuses on nationality law, acquisition and loss of nationality, statelessness, reduction of statelessness and rights of stateless persons, EU citizenship and free movement rights, migration including undocumented migrants, integration and integration tests, access to information, force used against children and mentally ill adults who are placed in institutions etc. Eva Ersbøll has a particular interest in the relationship between national and international law.

Selected research related activities

Member of:

  • European Group of Public Law (EGPL) (Scientific Council)
  • Global Citizenship Observatory (GLOBALCIT) - Country expert

  • Ongoing consultancies and advisory functions for a number of international organisations, governmental institutions and European NGOs

Selected projects

Profile photo of Eva Ersbøll

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