New manual on the right to water available

New manual on the right to water available
Guidance and practical tools for National Human Rights Institutions on how to engage in the water sector.

National Human Rights Institutions have a unique role to play in regards to right to water, but many need to build their capacity to serve this role. The new online manual on right to water was developed in response.

The manual on right to water provides tools, practices and activities that support the institutions in exploring and consolidating their role in the agenda, at national and international level.

The right to water agenda is gaining traction.
Mads Holst Jensen, Senior Adviser, Human Rights and Development.

"The Human Rights Council reaffirmed the right in 2010, the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the human right to safe drinking water and sanitation has been established, and water is increasingly conceived in human rights terms, with Sustainable Development Goal 6 on clean water and sanitation as a prominent example",Mads Holst Jensen elaborates.

The Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR) has contributed to the manual through the National Human Rights Institutions Water Initiative. The Intiative is hosted by Waterlex and core partners are DIHR, The South African Human Rights Commission and the Hungarian Ombudsman for Future Generations.

Waterlex will launch an online training platform together with the manual in Geneva on World Water Day the 22 March 2016. At the launch, WaterLex and its partners will sharehow to use the manual and what materials are included.